3414 Folsom Blvd. Sacramento CA 95816

Ph: 916 450 0800

E: info@sierravalleychiropractic.com

You can email with questions or appointment requests

Monday - Friday


We operate by appointment only, please give us a call or email to schedule.

We are currently accepting new patients.

Plan Of Care

We evaluate each person individually.  We do not require x-rays but will order any type of imaging that is indicated. Less than 5% of our practice requires x-ray imaging. Chiropractic work focusses on the alignment of  your vertebrae, as well as the fabric of muscles, tendons, ligaments and nerves essential to be functional. 

Our goal is to relieve pain, improve mobility, and enhance overall physical and mental well-being. Our holistic approach to healthcare emphasizes the body’s ability to heal itself and helps patients to achieve optimal health without relying on medication. We work together to make your experience enjoyable and peaceful!

Meet us

Our team includes two chiropractors and four massage therapists. We work closely together to understand your unique needs and goals. The combination of chiropractic and massage therapy work well together. We also use a variety of physiotherapy modalities when necessary, and will take the time to answer your questions through each step of the treatment process. We can also help you communicate with your family doctor.